全国服务热线 17621211411

PC/ABS GP5008BFH 韩国LG 耐热性

更新时间:2022-12-04 07:14:00
联系手机: 17621211411

POM, the market is growing fast, and the basis of China's POM production is relatively weak; in addition, POM is a material and technology intensive material chemical product. The huge market in China has aroused great concern abroad. Other countries have always wanted to occupy the Chinese market with their products, unwilling to transfer technology and improve the technical level of China's POM. Slow, can not meet the needs of the user; again, for a long time, China's economic system and enterprise operating mechanism do not conform to the law of the market economy, enterprises can not get enough capital investment in time, restricting the development of POM production.


SG5010FA 电镀级

EC-5000AF 抗静电,阻燃,电子电气应用

EF5001RFT 无卤阻燃 注塑

ER5001RF 无卤阻燃 电脑配件,电子电气应用

ER5001RFA 玻璃纤维增强,20%填料的重量 无卤阻燃 电脑配件,电子电气应用

ER5151RFA 无卤阻燃,高强度,注塑电脑配件,电子电气应用

GN1000F 无卤阻燃,注塑,透明,电脑配件,电子电气应用

GN1000FA 无卤阻燃,注塑,透明,电脑配件,电子电气应用

GN5001EF 无卤阻燃,

GN5001RF 无卤阻燃 高流动性

GN5001RFD 无卤阻燃,通用,耐冲击

GN5001RFG 无卤阻燃,低翘曲

GN5001RFH 无卤阻燃,高耐热

GN5001RFJ 无卤阻燃,高流动性

GN5001RFM 无卤阻燃,同用

GN5001RFP 无卤阻燃 耐热

GN5001RFS 无卤阻燃 高流动性高冲击性

GN5001RFT 无卤阻燃 高流动性

GN5001SF 无卤阻燃 高流动性

GN5007FL无卤阻燃 高流动性,高冲击性,耐热性

GN5008HF 无卤阻燃 高流动性,高冲击性


GN5009F 无卤阻燃,高流动性,注塑

GN5101RF 无卤阻燃,高刚性,通用 注塑

GN5151RF 无卤阻燃,高刚性,通用

GN5151RFA 无卤阻燃,高刚性,通用

GN5201F 15%矿物填料 无卤阻燃,高刚性,通用

GN5301F 无卤阻燃,高刚性

GP5001AF高耐冲击 阻燃 耐热 可加工性好 尺寸稳定,紫外线稳定

GP5006AF 阻燃 注塑

GP5006B 通用 高流动

GP5006BH 高耐冲击,高韧性,耐热,注塑

GP5008A 润滑,注塑

GP5008BF阻燃 耐热 注塑电气/电子应用

GP5008BFH 阻燃,高抗冲击,高流动,注塑

GP5056F玻璃纤维增强,5.0%填料的重量 阻燃,通用,注塑

GP5100玻璃纤维增强,10%填料的重量,汽车仪表板 电气/电子应用

GP5106F 阻燃,注塑 电脑配件

GP5200玻璃纤维增强,20%填料的重量 通用,注塑

GP5206F 韧性好,耐热,可加工性好,阻燃,耐冲击


When PA66 nylon 66 salt is prepared from diacid and two meta amine, it is necessary to strictly control the molar ratio as the molar ratio, so as to get a polymer with high molecular weight. Therefore, the mixture of adipic acid and adipamine must be mixed into nylon 66 salt in production. The preparation of nylon 66 salt is to mix adipic diamine solution and adipic acid solution at the temperature above 60 centigrade, neutralize it and precipitate after salt formation. After filtration, alcohol washing and drying, after Zui, about 63% of the water solution is prepared for condensation.

PC/ABS GP5008BFH 韩国LG 耐热性PC/ABS GP5008BFH 韩国LG 耐热性PC/ABS GP5008BFH 韩国LG 耐热性



  • 地址:上海 青浦区章练塘路588弄15号
  • 联系电话:未提供
  • 销售经理:唐锋
  • 手机:17621211411
  • 传真:176-2121-1411
  • 微信:17621211411
  • QQ:1600535454
  • Email:1600535454@qq.com